Recording at Pughouse
January 20, 2015
At long last I’ve gone into the studio and recorded the program of music I performed at the Salon last May under the title ‘Reimagining the Sacred’. I chose Pughouse Read the full article…

Çe soir
June 24, 2014
The turntable went to the shop, a place peopled by lunatics, and when finally I retrieved it I was told there had been nothing wrong with it. By some amazing Read the full article…

Standards and bearings
January 30, 2014
The standard repertoire in jazz is something I’ve resisted engaging with as a performer for some years now. Largely because of the debilitating effects of the example set by Keith Read the full article…

September is so the last twenty-nine days
September 29, 2013
I’ve not written here for about a month, so I’m going to make up for lost time with something of a rave. If you stick with it, you’re an idiot Read the full article…

‘A lot goes on, but nothing happens’
August 23, 2013
I’ll bet you didn’t know I have a Ben Lee record. But hey, why shouldn’t I? He is terrific in The Rage in Placid Lake, which is an utterly terrific film Read the full article…