Sharing is caring
June 26, 2020
So I have now completed a run of a hundred very nearly daily pieces, filmed for public viewing on Facebook, that I wound up entitling ‘quarantunes’. As noted in the Read the full article…
The daily tune
March 24, 2020
With sickness in pursuit, and home becoming the orbit, social media are coming into their own. We all used them all along, of course, sometimes quite a bit! But now Read the full article…
Recording, releasing and launching the double trio album
September 23, 2018
So I went and got all impatient-like and put the Double Trio’s with whom you can be who you are up as a Bandcamp digital download way back on August 7 Read the full article…
Freehand ii (for those who may be interested)
July 20, 2018
This morning I put Freehand (2002) on the stereo again; I can’t honestly tell you why because if I were honest I’d be admitting to all kinds of vanities and obviously that Read the full article…
Foreign countries, and that
June 28, 2018
Advance warning, disclaimer, whatever: this is a very self-indulgent post. Skipping it is enthusiastically permitted. Encouraged, even. Move on. Or – – The cupboard above where all my shirts and Read the full article…