Living with the Sun Bear Concerts
June 12, 2016
You could start like this: The quiet tension of the minor ninth at the outset of the Kyoto concert is the sort of thing that seems calculated to draw the Read the full article…

The record is out
April 11, 2015
It’s fun putting records out. Never will I tire of the feeling one gets when holding the finished physical product in one’s hands for the first time, and seeing – however Read the full article…

Recording at Pughouse
January 20, 2015
At long last I’ve gone into the studio and recorded the program of music I performed at the Salon last May under the title ‘Reimagining the Sacred’. I chose Pughouse Read the full article…

The Salon recital
May 17, 2014
Two things surprised me: I was nervous, but nowhere near as nervous as I’d expected I’d be, and today I’m not in a slough of depression such as frequently follows Read the full article…

Mid ’90s
February 5, 2014
What’s happening here is that I’m dredging back a whopping eighteen years into the recesses of my collection, to a performance given on October 23, 1995. This was my twenty-fourth Read the full article…